Our Tax-Optimized IP practice is composed of over 400 IP and 900 tax practitioners globally that specialize in IP ownership strategy to transfer pricing. We are the only law firm to compete directly with the Big 4.

We act on tax-driven IP restructurings, acquisitions, disposals and migrations.

We advise on IP/tax strategy and structures, looking around corners to closely monitor the rapidly evolving tax landscape to identify what that means for your business.

Transfer Pricing
We provide transfer pricing analyses of IP licenses, transfers and other IP-related intra-group relationships, using in-house legal and economist expertise.

We value intangibles for a variety of purposes citing our unique in-house economist capabilities.

We are consistently rated as one of the top IP and tax practices globally. We have the right resources where you need them.

Our tax practice is integrated with our transactional IP lawyers, ensuring that we spot and address the tax issues across 47 countries.

End to End Advice
Unlike accounting firms, our tax team can represent clients in all phases of tax matters, leveraging our IP and tax lawyers, economists and advisers.

We excel at taking tax planning from concept to practice, using our multi-disciplinary teams in IP, tax and corporate reorganization.