Pro Bono
We believe that providing pro bono legal services is a fundamental professional responsibility. As lawyers, we have specific skills and the best way to assist those in need is to utilise those skills.
Underscoring our commitment, all our lawyers are expected to work on pro bono matters and we have a dedicated pro bono practice group. We are a signatory to the National Pro Bono Target of at least 35 hours of pro bono legal work per lawyer per year and have our own Australian office target of at least 50 pro bono hours per lawyer per year.
In FY24, we contributed more than 9,572 pro bono hours to individual members of our community, charities and other not-for-profit organisations, equating to an average of 35.4 pro bono hours per lawyer.
The nature of our work is vast and varied. Our work covers many areas, including youth, poverty, health, the environment; domestic violence; the elderly, asylum seekers and refugees, people with disabilities, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, human trafficking and modern slavery; LGBTI issues; and much more.
Our pro bono work extends globally, including the Asia Pacific region.

Community Service
Our people have the opportunity to make a contribution in the community by participating in a variety of community engagement initiatives which are structured under the pillars of:
There are many opportunities to support our nominated Charity Partners. We are currently supporting ID. Know Yourself (First Nations mentoring organisation for kids in out-of-home care), Project Etico (social enterprise hotel - disability training, employment and independent living) and RACS (Refugee Advice & Casework Service).
Some volunteering initiatives include the Gawura Morning Reading Program (focused on improved literacy skills for First Nations children), Eat Up sessions (to provide lunch to kids that would otherwise go hungry leading to improved health, learning and social outcomes) and The Alfresco Community Kitchen sessions (a meal service for people in-need).
Through our Workplace Giving Program everyone is encouraged to donate to causes they feel are important and contribute to appeals the firm organises to raise funds or in-kind donations.