• Marie Hebert

    Director of Global Media Relations
    + 44 20 7072 5887
  • Associate Director, Media Relations, North America

    Photo, Patricia Lojo

    Patricia Lojo

    Associate Director, Media Relations, North America
    + 1 212 626 4363
  • Global

    Photo, Gareth Cater

    Gareth Cater

    Senior Manager, Global Media Relations
    + 44 20 7072 5844
  • Global

    Photo, Maïté Oreglia

    Maïté Oreglia

    EMEA Media Relations Lead
    + 32 3 303 25 08
  • Latin America

    Photo, Sasha Mirpuri

    Sasha Mirpuri

    Manager, Communications, Latin America
    + 51 1 618 8537
  • Asia Pacific

    Photo, Jamie Kar

    Jamie Kar

    Senior Communications Manager, Asia Pacific
    + 852 2846 1759
  • Photo, Estefania Herlein

    Estefania Herlein

    Media Relations Specialist
    • Buenos Aires
    + 54 11 6065 7777
  • Asia Pacific

    Photo, Melissa Chia

    Melissa Chia

    Communications Manager, Singapore
    + 65 6434 2537
  • Asia Pacific

    Photo, Jeremy Hyman

    Jeremy Hyman

    Head of Communications, Australia
    + 61 2 8922 5448
  • Asia Pacific

    Photo, Yu Sakakibara

    Yu Sakakibara

    Communications Manager, Japan
    + 813 6271 9408
  • Asia Pacific

    Photo, Stephanie Jacob

    Stephanie Jacob

    Assistant Manager, Malaysia
    + 603 2299 6408
  • EMEA

    Photo, Rawan Lutfi

    Rawan Lutfi

    Senior Communications Executive, Middle East & North Africa
    + 971 4 423 0065
  • EMEA

    Photo, Larysa Syvak-Anina

    Larysa Syvak-Anina

    Marketing & PR Manager, Ukraine
    + 380 44 590 0101
  • EMEA

    Photo, Katie Taylor

    Katie Taylor

    Senior Manager, Communications, UK
    + 44 20 7072 5761
  • EMEA

    Photo, Matt Lanyon

    Matt Lanyon

    Communications Manager, London
    + 44 20 7072 5918
  • EMEA

    Photo, Viktor Backemar

    Viktor Backemar

    Senior Manager Business Development, Marketing & Communications
    • Stockholm
    + 46 8 566 177 30
  • EMEA

    Photo, Elena Garcia

    Elena Garcia

    Marketing & Communications Manager
    • Madrid
    + 34 91 436 6636
  • EMEA

    Photo, Claudia Wehmeijer

    Claudia Wehmeijer

    Head of Marketing & Communication
    + 31 6 18 73 88 79
  • EMEA

    Photo, Suzy Allen

    Suzy Allen

    Communications Executive
    + 44 28 9555 5586
  • EMEA

    Photo, Nassim Ghobrial

    Nassim Ghobrial

    Head of Business Development, Marketing & Communications, Austria
    • Vienna
    + 43 1 24 250 525
  • EMEA

    Photo, Zsófia Fekete

    Zsófia Fekete

    Business Development Manager
    • Budapest
    + 36 1 302 3330