Bridge in Malaysia
Insight | Legal Update

Proposed Amendments to Personal Data Protection Act 2010 Approved by Cabinet, Expected to be Tabled

Cabinet has approved the proposed amendments to the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (Act 709) and expected to be tabled in the current Parliamentary session taking place up until 18 July 2024.
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作为贝克·麦坚时国际律师事务所的马来西亚成员所,Wong & Partners自成立二十多年以来,一直以解决客户实际法律问题为导向,为客户提供着全面而优质法律服务我们的律师致力于帮助客户运用各种符合行业特点、创新且务实的解决方案所提供的法律服务领域包括:银行和金融、资本市场、反垄断及竞争、雇佣和劳动、争议解决、金融服务和监管、知识产权、并购、私募股权投资、项目、房地产、税务、贸易和财富管理等此外,本所在科技、媒体和通信(TMT)领域,拥有一支不断增长壮大的团队,他们常年与全球最具创新力的各大公司保持着合作



  • 2018年度马来西亚最佳律师事务所 — 《钱伯斯亚太》
  • 2018年度和2019年度马来西亚最佳律师事务所 — 《亚洲法律杂志》马来西亚大奖
  • 2017年度马来西亚最佳律师事务所 — 《国际金融法律评论》亚洲大奖


Kuala Lumpur 吉隆坡

Wong & Partners, Level 21, The Gardens South Tower
Mid Valley City
Lingkaran Syed Putra
Kuala Lumpur 59200
电话: + 603 2298 7888 传真: + 603 2282 2669









Recognized as an "Employer of Choice" in Malaysia by Asian Legal Business for six years running, we strive to create an inclusive workforce and offer two career programs to give young talent the opportunity to gain work experience. Those programs include:

Student Attachment Scheme: This four-week course for third-year undergraduate students enables them to work with partners, associates and trainees across practice areas, as well as attend seminars, presentations and networking events.

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Wong & Partners is a conscientious member of the community and we have a proud commitment of service to our community. The Firm believes in a spirit of volunteerism and supports charities on both long-term projects and a needs-be basis. We are particularly committed to advancing the rights of children, especially in providing educational opportunities and ending all violence against them. Locally, we remain long-term supporters of Pelangi Kasih, which provides free weekend tuition classes for refugee children. While regionally, we have joined forces with the larger Baker McKenzie network to partner with World Vision on their End Violence Against Children programme. Under this initiative, our Firm will provide pro bono legal expertise to enact stronger laws, training on existing laws and legal assistance around specific cases.


Wong & Partners is a member firm of Baker & McKenzie International, a Swiss Verein.