Emma Young

Emma Young

Legal Consultant
Baker McKenzie BV/SRL


Emma is a Legal Consultant in the European Competition and Regulatory Affairs Practice Group in the Brussels office. She joined Baker McKenzie in September 2022.

Practice Focus

A member of the Firm's Brussels-based Green Deal Team, Emma advises businesses on a wide variety of EU energy regulatory and state aid issues.

Representative Legal Matters

  • Advised multiple multinational companies on the likely impact of the revised EU emissions trading system and CBAM on their businesses.
  • Assisted with the state aid aspects, particularly in relation to the notification of the aid scheme to the European Commission, for one of the largest investments in a manufacturing plant in the information technology sector in Europe.
  • Assisted a public company in the development of a large power plant project, particularly in relation to the state aid notification to the European Commission.
  • Advised multiple multinational companies on the impact of the so-called 'additionality' requirements and life-cycle methodology (under the EU Renewable Energy Directive) for renewable hydrogen production, and their likely impact on renewable hydrogen production projects.
  • Advised a number of multinational companies on their environmental, social and governance reporting obligations under the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive.
  • Advised a national asset-management agency regarding the design of state aid-compliant investment projects.


  • College of Europe (MA) (2022)
  • Trinity College, Dublin (LLB ling. franc.) (2021)


  • English
  • French