Photo, Dr. Maurice Heine

Dr. Maurice Heine

Baker McKenzie Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH von Rechtsanwälten und Steuerberatern


Dr. Maurice Heine is an associate in the Employment practice group at Baker McKenzie's Berlin office. Prior to joining the Firm, Maurice gained several years of experience at an international law firm in Frankfurt and Düsseldorf. He holds a doctorate on the use of artificial intelligence in employment law decision-making processes and is a regular contributor to professional journals on the digitalization of the workplace. Maurice studied in Hanover, Nottingham, and London, and passed the second state exam in 2023.

Practice Focus

Maurice advises both national and international clients on all aspects of individual and collective labor law. His core areas of experience include representing clients in dismissal disputes, both in and out of court, providing counsel on corporate restructuring, and handling matters related to works constitution law, particularly concerning the digitalization of the workplace, such as the introduction of AI systems.

Professional Associations and Memberships

  • Berlin Bar Association - Member


  • Germany (2024)


  • Higher Regional Court Celle (second state exam) (2023)
  • Leibniz University Hanover (Dr. iur.) (2023)
  • Leibniz University Hanover (first state exam) (2017)


  • English
  • German
  • Co-author (with Dr. Matthias Köhler), "Das Beschäftigtendatengesetz als Blaupause der KI-Regulierung?", NZA 22/2024, 1547-1552
  • Author, "Ein eigener Betriebsrat für Plattformbeschäftigte?", Besprechung von ArbG Aachen Beschluss vom 23.04.2024, 2 BV 56/23, ZdiW 5-6/2024, 155-157
  • Author, „Die automatisierte Vorbereitung von Arbeitgeberentscheidungen“, NZA 2024, 1384-1389
  • Co-author (with Hans Steege), „Diskriminierungsschutz im KI-basierten Bewerbungsverfahren“, in: Hoffberger-Pippan/Ladeck/Ivankovics (Hrsg.), Digitalisierung und Recht – Jahrbuch 2024, 277-312
  • Co-author (with Justus Frank), „Die algorithmische Personalauswahl“, CB 2024, 326-330
  • Author, „(Keine) Mitbestimmung des Betriebsrats bei ChatGPT? - Besprechung von ArbG Hamburg, Beschl. v. 16.01.2024 - 24 BVGa 1/24“, ZdiW 2024, 92-94.