Bryant Isbell
Bryant Isbell is the Managing Director of the Global eDiscovery and Data Advisory Group at Baker McKenzie. Bryant has more than 20 years of experience focusing on information governance, data privacy, full EDRM lifecycle execution and management, and data analytics.
During Bryant’s career, he has worked on numerous FCPA Investigations, as well as other compliance investigations which have been pursued by many foreign governments. He is responsible for overseeing the collections of ESI and other evidentiary materials, as well as all production of documents to enforcement agencies and other counsel. Bryant handles all aspects of e-discovery and forensics globally for the firm. Additionally, he provides consultative advice to clients on the preservation, collection, processing, hosting and production of ESI.
Bryant has successfully implemented analytics and Technology Assisted Review (TAR) workflows into client engagements to defensibly and efficiently reduce data volume and project cost. Bryant is an experienced professional in data privacy and international collection logistics, and has managed multiple complex projects in North America, Latin America, Europe and Asia involving hundreds of millions of documents and thousands of reviewers worldwide. He is responsible for the strategic selection and implementation of electronic discovery tools for the firm, as well as training and professional development of the litigation support professionals. Bryant is also responsible for managing and overseeing the firm’s use of LPO’s, and contract attorney teams.
Bryant is a member of the Sedona Conference Working Group on International Electronic Information Management and Disclosure, as well as Electronic Document Retention and Production. Bryant is also a frequent panelist on topics of project management, electronic discovery, and information governance at ILTA Con and Legal Tech New York. Bryant is a member of the Global Disputes Resolution Group’s e-Discovery Committee as well as the North American Litigation Practice Group’s e-Discovery Committee. He is on the Board of Directors of the UK Chapter of the Association of Certified eDiscovery specialists is also an adjunct professor for the Cleveland Marshall School of Law’s eDiscovery Distance Learning Program, and Ulster University Law School Innovations Center in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Firm Committees
- Member of the Global Leadership Team
- Reinvent Board Member
- North American Litigation Practice Group Committee on Electronic Discovery
- Global Disputes Resolution Committee on Electronic Discovery
- B.A., Deans list, in Political Science from Huntington College