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13 June 2023
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Vicore Pharma Holding AB has carried out a directed new share issue of shares of SEK 500 million where the subscription price was set through an accelerated bookbuilding procedure. A number of Swedish and international institutional investors participated in the share issue, including OrbiMed, Suvretta Capital Management, LLC, HBM Healthcare Investments, Fjärde AP-fonden, Tredje AP-fonden, Swedbank Robur Fonder and SEB Investment Management.
Vicore Pharma is an innovative Swedish clinical-stage pharmaceutical company unlocking the potential of a new class of drugs to stop disease progression and restore function. The company is establishing a portfolio in rare lung diseases including idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) and pulmonary hypertension (PH). The company’s shares (VICO) are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm’s main market.
Carnegie, Pareto Securities, Van Lanschot Kempen and Zonda acted as Joint Bookrunners. Baker McKenzie acted as legal advisor to the Joint Bookrunners with a capital markets team consisting of Henric Roth and Sophie Gidlund from the Stockholm office and Megan Schellinger from the London office.