Photo, Gonzalo J. Monge

Gonzalo J. Monge

Estudio Echecopar


Gonzalo is a skilled constitutional counselor, litigator, arbitrator, and educational regulatory specialist with over ten years of experience. He is well known for representing clients in constitutional and contentious-administrative proceedings, and arbitrations.

Clients acknowledge Gonzalo for his practice in education regulation for universities, colleges, institutes, and high schools. He is also part of interdisciplinary teams specializing in energy, administrative, civil, corporate, and public international law. He joined Estudio Echecopar as an intern in 2012 and became a mid-level associate in 2020.

Gonzalo is a Fulbright scholar who completed his master's degree at Harvard Law School and worked as an international associate (ATP) at Baker McKenzie's New York office from 2022 to 2023.

Practice Focus

Gonzalo focuses on constitutional law and human rights. He offers consultation and litigation services to clients, focusing on amparo proceedings against judicial decisions and self-application rules.

He also represents clients in both national and international arbitration, using the laws of Peru and other countries, in particular the laws of New York (US).

Gonzalo is committed to taking on pro bono cases. He provides advice and consultation on legal entity matters and handles complex litigation before the Judiciary and the Peruvian Constitutional Court.

Gonzalo's experience in educational regulation includes managing the internal affairs of legal entities and handling procedures and formalities before SUNEDU, MINEDU, and public registries.

Representative Legal Matters

  • Represented, pro bono, a natural person in an amparo proceeding against judicial resolutions that declared him interdicted. Obtained for the client a judgment that applied for the first time the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

  • Represents the Committee for Economic Operations of the National Interconnected System (COES) in arbitration proceedings brought by members challenging the decisions of the board of directors on electricity matters, achieving satisfactory results for COES.

  • Advises a major energy company on avoiding contingencies in arbitration and litigation, as well as on energy issues (electricity and gas).

  • Sponsors a hydrocarbon sector company in “amparos societarios” initiated by its shareholders, seeking the non-application of resolutions of the General Shareholders' Meeting. In all concluded cases, successful reversal of injunctions and full dismissal of the claims.

  • Sponsored a state-owned private law firm in an amparo proceeding to recover the ownership of a highly valued real estate property, unduly confiscated by the Peruvian State.

  • Defended a professional association in an amparo proceeding against judicial resolutions. The opposing party had initiated an amparo vs. amparo process, which was also defended by the Firm, achieving a unanimous pronouncement by the Constitutional Court in favor of our client.

  • Sponsored HudBay Peru in a bilingual arbitration (Spanish and English) initiated by one of its former contractors in the Constancia Project (Cusco). The Arbitral Tribunal dismissed the claim of the counterparty, who was claiming more than USD 8 million.

  • Sponsored licensed universities in administrative procedures before SUNEDU and public registries.

Professional Associations and Memberships

  • International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL) - Member
  • Young International Council for Commercial Arbitration (Young ICCA) - Member
  • International Bar Association (IBA) - Member
  • Perspectiva Constitucional and Constitucionalismo Crítico (Associations for the dissemination and study of constitutional law and constitutional procedural law) - Member


  • New York~United States (2023)
  • Lima, Peru (2016)


  • Harvard Law School (LLM) (2022)
  • Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Law Degree) (2016)
  • Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Bachelor of Law) (2016)


  • English
  • Spanish
  • Author, "Derechos económicos y ambientales: Propiedad, libertad de contratación, libertad de empresa, libre competencia, y ambiente". Collection of Fundamental Rights: Tribute for the Independence Bicentenary. Lima: Palestra Editores, 2022.
  • Author, "Tratamiento de los deberes constitucionales de la persona en el Perú: Una introducción". In: Forseti-Law Review N° 09 (Volume N° 13). 2021.
  • Co-author, "Análisis constitucional y procesal constitucional del Caso Ugarteche: Una decisión injusta que no vincula." In: Gaceta Constitucional N° 156. December 2020.
  • Author, "Las universidades en el Perú: análisis constitucional y legal desde su condición de personas jurídicas". In: THĒMIS-Law Review N° 72. 2017.
  • Author, "Sobre el amparo contra resolución judicial: la importancia de adjuntar copia de la resolución impugnada". In: Diálogo con la Jurisprudencia N° 231. December 2017.