
Wong & Leow offers a number of Practice Training Contracts each year to Singapore graduates with the requisite academic qualifications and attitude. Our Trainees get the best of both worlds: a thorough grounding in Singapore law and practice together with exposure to multi-national clients and the opportunity to exchange knowledge with the best legal minds from all over the globe through Wong & Leow’s joint law venture with Baker McKenzie.

Supervising Solicitor & Mentors

You will be assigned a Supervising Solicitor (qualified under Rule 5 of the Legal Profession (Practice Training Period) Rules 2009) and a mentor to oversee your on-the-job and formal learning. Our Supervising Solicitors are listed below.

We also have an Associate Mentor programme to assist our Trainees with the transition from graduate to lawyer. These Associate Mentors provide an informal support network, for example, they act as a sounding board and as a first port of call if you have questions or concerns.

Maximise your potential

As a firm, we are deeply committed to training world-class lawyers – we want to help you develop as far and as fast as your talents and drive will take you. In addition to your on-the-job training, we have developed a formal Trainee Programme in order to provide you with:

  • an introduction to our firm and the type of work we undertake
  • an understanding of the skills and personal qualities you need to be successful at each stage in your career
  • training in the technical and professional skills you need to maximise your potential
  • training that complies with all relevant Singapore regulations.

More specifically, our Trainee Programme ncludes:

  • Induction: Prior to joining the practicei groups, you will attend induction training so as to help you hit the ground running
  • Technical legal training: Each of our practice groups runs internal training sessions covering technical legal issues relevant to that team. We also run separate, Trainee-specific seminars which cover the fundamental issues that arise in each of our practice areas so that you get a thorough grounding in commercial law
  • Professional skills development: There is more to being a successful lawyer than just knowing the law. We will help you maximize your potential, for example by providing training in presenting, drafting and client management.
  • Ethical conduct: It is vital that all of our lawyers adhere to the highest standards when it comes to professional conduct and responsibility. We run sessions on ethics, professional responsibility, court etiquette and risk management to ensure that you fully understand what is expected of you.

Practice Area

Our Trainees are exposed to at least two of the following practice areas:

  • Civil litigation
  • Corporate transactions
  • Conveyancing

Develop Successfully

Your development will not end with the completion of your Practice Training Contract. Our innovation and excellence in training and development is recognized by independent third parties – for example, Harvard Business School selected Baker McKenzie’s talent management approach for two of its best practice case studies and we approach performance management and development in an integrated way.

The foundation of our approach is our Development Framework, which clearly describes the skills and personal qualities you need to be successful at each stage in your career with us. We work with you to create an individual development plan and personal career goals.

Work and think Globally

Being global is in our DNA. You will begin to build your global professional network straight away by working with our international clients and colleagues. We pride ourselves on our global integration and offer several opportunities for you to experience legal cultures different to your own during your career with us. We run an Associate Secondment Programme where you may apply to work elsewhere in the Baker McKenzie network for three months. We also hold regular regional training programmes which bring together lawyers from around the Asia-Pacific to learn together.

To apply, you will need to submit a covering letter, together with a full curriculum vitae and copies of your university transcripts. Covering letters form an important part of your application. They should outline your interest in The Firm, and give an overview of your motivation for selecting your preferred area of practice.

Applications for our 2027 Training Contract will open on 1 August 2024.

 Practice Groups

  • Capital Markets
  • Dispute Resolution Employment
  • Employment
  • Finance & Projects
  • Financial Services
  • Intellectual Property & Technology
  • Mergers & Acquisitions
  • Real Estate
  • Tax


Supervising Solicitors

  • Nandakumar Ponniya
  • Celeste Ang
  • James Huang
  • Kenneth Chuah
  • Andrew Martin
  • Lean Min-tze
  • Kelvin Poa
  • Stephanie Magnus 
  • Geraldine Ong
  • Kenneth Chia
  • Lean Min-tze
  • Lim Ren Jun
  • Andy Leck
  • Kenneth Chia
  • Allen Tan
  • Dawn Quek