Legal notice and disclosure (information pursuant to Media Act and § 5(1) E-Commerce Act)

Baker McKenzie Rechtsanwälte LLP & Co KG
Schottenring 25
1010 Vienna

Tel.: +43 1 24 250
Fax: +43 1 24 250 600

Company register number: FN 414147s
Commercial Court Vienna
VAT identification number: ATU 68748144
ADVM-Code: P 130922
DVR number: 3002555

Baker McKenzie Rechtsanwälte LLP & Co KG or its attorneys are admitted to practice as attorneys-at-law according to Austrian law in Austria. The title „Rechtsanwalt“ is not subject to an appointment, but to the fulfillment of the legal requirements (inter alia the required training) and the registration in the Register of Austrian attorneys-at-law (§ 1 Rechtsanwaltsordnung).

Baker McKenzie Rechtsanwälte LLP & Co KG's attorneys-at-law and trainee attorneys (Rechtsanwaltsanwärter) are subject to supervision by the Bar Association of Vienna (Rechtsanwaltskammer Wien). The permission to practice is subject to the Attorneys’ Code (Rechtsanwaltsordnung), the Guidelines for Practicing as an Attorney and for the Supervision of the Attorney’s and the Trainee Attorney’s Duties (Richtlinien für die Ausübung des Rechtsanwaltsberufes und für die Überwachung der Pflichten des Rechtsanwaltes und des Rechtsanwaltsanwärters), and the Disciplinary Code (Disziplinarstatut der Rechtsanwälte und Rechtsanwaltsanwärter); the relevant fee legislation and professional codes are the Law on Attorney's Tariff (Rechtsanwaltstarifgesetz / RATG) and the General Criteria for Remuneration (Allgemeine Honorar-Kriterien / AHK). The pertinent provisions and guidelines are available under

Baker McKenzie Rechtsanwälte LLP & Co KG with its seat in Vienna is the media owner and publisher of this website. The business objective of Baker McKenzie Rechtsanwälte LLP & Co KG is the provision of attorney’s legal advice.

Baker McKenzie Rechtsanwälte LLP & Co KG is a Member of Baker & McKenzie International, a Verein organized under the Laws of Switzerland.