Dr. Matthias Köhler

Dr. Matthias Köhler LL.M.

Baker McKenzie Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH von Rechtsanwälten und Steuerberatern


Dr. Matthias Köhler is a partner at Baker McKenzie’s Berlin office. He spent his legal traineeship in the jurisdiction of the Higher Regional Court Frankfurt and passed his second state exam in Frankfurt in 2009, before he studied at Bayreuth University and completed his Dr. jur. in 2008. He also studied law at the University of Technology, Sydney and completed there his LL.M.

Practice Focus

Matthias advises companies on all labor and employment law-related matters, such as terminations and drafting employment contracts. He also counsels companies on mergers and acquisitions, reorganizations and works council issues. Matthias also represents companies in labor court proceedings in Germany.

Professional Honors

  • Labor and Employment expert listings, Rising Stars 2021


  • Germany (2010)


  • Fachanwalt für Arbeitsrecht (Attorney Specializing in Labor and Employment Law) (2015)
  • University of Technology Sydney (LL.M.) (2011)
  • Oberlandesgericht Frankfurt am Main (Second State Exam) (2009)
  • University of Bayreuth (Dr. jur.) (2008)
  • University of Bayreuth (Assessor Exam) (2007)


  • English
  • German


  • Co-speaker (with Alexander Wolff), "Arbeitsrecht in der Restrukturierung – von der Vorbereitung bis zur Durchführung," ESV Akademie beim Erich Schmidt Verlag, 20 April 2021

  • Co-speaker (with Alexander Wolff), "Arbeitsrecht in der Restrukturierung – von der Vorbereitung bis zur Durchführung," ESV Akademie beim Erich Schmidt Verlag, 4 December 2020

  • Co-speaker (with Birgit Sager and Alexander Wolff), "Arbeitnehmerdatenschutz in der Praxis - Erste Erfahrungen zur Umsetzung unter der DSGVO," ESV Akademie, 29 November 2019
  • Presenter, “Betriebsratskosten und Vergütung von Betriebsratsmitgliedern“, 45. Arbeitsrechtsabend des Arbeitsrechtsinstituts Rostock, 21. September 2018


  • Co-author (with Harasch Yakubi), "Zum Mitbestimmungsrecht des Betriebsrats hinsichtlich der Verteilungsmaßstäbe einer konzernweiten einheitlichen Corona-Prämie," EWiR 2022, P. 124 ff.